Live Below the Line – food for the final day

As I brace myself for the last day of Live Below the Line, feeding myself on £1 a day for 5 days, here’s the food I have left.

Food remaining for the last day of Live Below the Line

Basically, as long as I like eating marmalade, rice and frozen vegetables, I should be fine.

Within the sea of beige, the food remaining is (from the top, left to right):

– Bit of juice from the tinned pineapple
– 70g tinned pineapple
– Loads of marmalade
– 60g oats

– 4 slices of bread
– 120g mixed frozen veg
– loads of rice, about 700g

– Remaining portion of the kidney bean and sweetcorn chilli from Day 1
– 50g frozen carrots

– Bit of natural yogurt
– About 150ml milk, frozen into cubes
– 3 oat flatbread balls, ready to be rolled out and cooked

– 1 egg
– Remaining portion of oat pancake batter from Day 4
– 80g tinned tomatoes
– Weird pineapple toffee from the bottom of the saucepan when caramelising pineapple juice
– 3 chicken stock cubes
– Scrapings of labne, the yogurt cream cheese from Day 1

Suggestions for how to combine the above on the final day gratefully received!

I’ve been doing Live Below the Line, feeding myself on £1 a day for 5 days, to support UNICEF. 

Anything you can donate to UNICEF’s work keeping children worldwide protected, fed and healthy, including their current campaign after the Nepal earthquake, will make a real difference. 

This is the link to my fundraising page:


1 Comment

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