Back to school and back to work
With my kids finally back at school and my husband back in the office, I finally got some spare time to Sort Things Out.
There’s a bunch of simple money stuff I normally do, that got swept aside during the summer holidays when I was juggling work, childcare, feeding the hordes, actual holidays and essential TV viewing*.
*and by essential, I mean an embarrassing addiction to Love Island. I blame covid.
So here are some quick money tips to do today, that only take minutes but can save £££.
Updated my spending diary
I’m a big fan of spending diaries, as a way to keep track of your money, rather than wondering where it all disappeared. Mine has been rather (ahem) neglected over the summer holidays, so I took the chance to add some recent spending. As I’m freelance, I also track money due from work I’ve done – and whether it’a actually been paid.
Previous posts: Top 10 tips for keeping a spending diary and 12 reasons why a spending diary will change your life
Saving: My spending diary has made me realise how our spending has shot up with entertainment and the odd meal out over the summer. Now I’m resolved to do better during September!

Picture of Money Dashboard Neon on my phone, plus flower and mug of tea
Reconnected my bank accounts to my budgeting app
I have a wish mash of different current accounts and credit cards for different purposes – work, bills, cashback, savings interest, you get the picture. Actually, it’s difficult to get the picture when you have to log into each one individually. That’s why I really love open banking for allowing budgeting apps like Snoop and MoneyDashboard Neon, and why I’m sad Yolt has announced it will be closing. You connect up your bank accounts to a single app, so you can see all your balances and transactions in one place, plus handy spending totals in useful categories.
However, you have to re-enter your bank details every 90 days (shakes fist at sky).
It doesn’t take long, but does requiring remembering all the different account details/customer numbers/passwords/memorable info and fielded the flurry of one-time passcode texts. With the kids back at school, I finally had the head space to sit down and get it done.
Check out my review of Money Dashboard Neon and get a £4 Amazon voucher if you sign up here (I’ll get one too).
Saving: Helps me keep an eye on spending by category eg ‘boy we’ve spent a lot on groceries this month’. Plus, if the balance in one account is getting too low, I can transfer money to avoid overdraft charges. If the balance in another account is too high, I can bung money over into my pension.
Submitted a meter reading
Energy companies regularly ask for meter readings, and if you don’t provide one, they create estimated readings, or as I like to phrase it, pluck figures out of the air.
I prefer to pay for the electricity we’ve actually used, rather than an over-inflated estimate, especially when energy prices are on the up. So as the kids headed off for the school bus, I fought my way through the cobwebs in the cellar, took a meter reading, and entered it online.
Saving: shave pounds off your gas and electricity bills if you’re not paying for an over-estimate. Plus if you spot a big credit, you can always ask your energy company to refund the extra.

Freddies Flowers in all their glory
Skipped some subscriptions
Confession time. I went subscription crazy during the lockdown at the start of this year. You know the kind of thing – subscribe for a temptingly cheap intro offer, then get sucked into paying full whack if you forget to cancel.
Now some of the subscription services I do like as a treat, I just don’t like them quite as often as the subscription service fancies. So rather than cancelling, I nipped online to skip several deliveries of Freddie’s Flowers (last for ages!!), Hello Fresh (meal kits to avoid the faff of planning and shopping) and the Craft Gin Club* (fabulous but pricey).
Saving: £103.39. Oooof. These subscription services really add up.
Returned a faulty watch
My youngest asked for a digital watch to wear to school, as somewhat unsurprisingly they don’t want kids checking their phones all the time.
We found a cheap as chips watch at the local discount store, only to discover it didn’t have instructions and we were clueless about changing the time and date. With my new found enthusiasm for Sorting Things Out, rather than leaving the watch on a windowsill as a graveyard of good intentions, I took it back to the shop, brandished the receipt and got a refund. I also spent rather more on a replacement digital watch, which does at least work.
Saving: £6. It really was a cheap watch.

Don’t get me started on the cost of school shoes
Cancelled a school uniform order
Sadly, when I went to the sole school uniform stockist for my kids’ secondary school, they were out of stock for some items. I ordered them for delivery, but the availability changed from ‘really soon’ to ‘maybe after the start of term’ to ‘we have no clue’. I finally cracked and got alternatives from the school’s second hand uniform shop. Crucially, as the children disappeared off in said school uniform, I got round to ringing the shop, cancelling the order, and asking for the money to be refunded to my credit card.
Saving: £46.45. Turns out brand new branded PE kit doesn’t come cheap.
Unsubscribed from marketing emails
Over the summer, my email inbox went from overstuffed to wildly out of control. I mean big. Huge.
I therefore started September with a bit of an ‘unsubscribe’ spree, where rather than hastily deleting marketing emails, I actually opened them and clicked on the ‘unsubscribe’ button at the end.
This has the advantage that it reduces future email clutter and the temptation to spend. If I’m going to splash cash, I’d rather do it when I choose, rather than when a company is running an enticing marketing campaign.
Saving: Unknown. But sometimes those offers are particularly tempting.

Yeah, maybe I do need a new backpack
Used gift vouchers
Got any gift vouchers stuck at the back of the drawer, that you’ve never got round to using?
This week, I actually remembered to some pre-paid Mastercards when shopping online, earned when kind blog readers clicked on my Nutmeg referral link (thank you). I used them to get a backpack to replace my veteran version, a new duvet set for my oldest, a charity donation and train tickets for a trip to London.
If you’re interested in Nutmeg, here’s how my robo adviser accounts did over 3 years
Saving: £131.23 that isn’t coming out of my bank account
Actually, writing all this down probably took longer than doing it. I was genuinely surprised how much it added up to in cold, hard cash – nearly £300!
Now – over to you. What have you done to manage your money since the kids went back to school? Any quick money tips to do today? Do share in the comments, I’d love to hear!
I’m linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky.
I was depressed some Months ago due to how frustrating it is dealing with bad credits, but reaching out to HACK VANISH via Phone: +1 (747) 293-8514 and Email: HACK VANISH (@) GMAIL. COM gave my life a new meaning, after I found him credible through positive reviews I read on a credit blog, in a twinkle of an eye, this great hacker got my credit score restored from 509 to 784 across the 3 major credit bureaus, all evictions and repossession has been wiped off, my LexisNexis and Chex system fixed respectively, to my greatest surprise, some days later, I received an E-mail confirming the approval of my pending loan application. I can confidently say 2021 was an exceptional year for my husband and I as we are proud owners of a new home and a brand-new SUV courtesy HACK VANISH, I would definitely recommend him to anyone in need of a genuine Hacker.
Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray380 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )…….
This article is really very interesting and effective.
Hello, a very relevant expense diary in our time, the time of the pandemic.
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I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich. {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.
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I lost my Job few months ago,my wife left me ,could not get income for my family, things was so tough and I couldn’t get anything for my children, not until a met a recommendation on a page writing how Mr Bernie Wilfred helped a lady in getting a huge amount of profit every 6 working days on trading with his management on the cryptocurrency Market, to be honest I never believe it but I took the risk to take a loan of $2000. and I contacted him unbelievable and I was so happy I earn $22,500 in 6 working days, the most joy is that I can now take care of my family I don’t know how to appreciate your good work Mr. Bernie Doran God will continue to bless you for being a life saver I have no way to appreciate you than to tell people about your good trade management system. For a perfect investment and good strategies contact Mr Bernie Doran via WhatsApp :+1(424)285-0682 or Telegram : @Bernie_fx or Gmail : Bernie.doranfx01@gmail.com
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735
I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.
You can also contact them for the service below
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Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com
Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735
Thanks for spreading this knowledge to us.
ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
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I just want to say Thank You to everyone who supported me through the years. My name is Manuel Franco, New Berlin, Wisconsin. My story of how I won the Powerball lottery of $768.4M is a bit of a tale. I have been playing Powerball tickets for 6 years now since I turned 18. I bought my first ticket on my 18 birthday. I was feeling very lucky that day because I had contacted Dr. Odunga Michael to help me with the winning Powerball numbers. I really had that great great feeling that I looked at the camera wanting to wink at it. I only did a tiny part of it and trusted him. He gave me the numbers after I played a couple other tickets along with it for $10. I checked my ticket after the winnings came online and saw the numbers were correct including the Power play. I screamed for about 10 minutes because it felt like a dream. I had won $768.4M. You can check my winning testimony with the lottery officials just with my name search. Thank you Dr Odunga. Well, his email is odungaspelltemple@gmail.com and you can also call or Whats-app him at +2348167159012 so you guys can contact him
Thanks you so much admin to share this information to us.
Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc.
What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters?
You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice.
As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives.
As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Captain WebGenesis at Email add (Captainwebgenesis @ hackermail. com) who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Captain WebGenesis collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist.
I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back.
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I Need A Hacker To Recover My Lost Investment? Go To Lost Recovery Masters
Hello guys, I’m Lyne Azabal from France. In my investment with Acstons-Cc, I also lost 17 lakhs. Trading using the Acstons. cc app generated a profit of 197,153 USD after paying tax and a 25% fee, however they would not release my profit and all of my Bitcoins were frozen. I called my pals, who suggested I try LOST RECOVERY MASTERS, and to my astonishment they were able to assist me get back 89% of my money. Despite the fact that I didn’t get all of it back, I’m still really appreciative of LOST RECOVERY MASTERS
For advice on recovering cryptocurrencies, get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters You can also ask them questions about any firm you wish to deal with.
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BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast
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into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught
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also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect
you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : (
atmmachinehackers1@gmail.com < Tell your
loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how
my life changed for good…Love you all .
Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray380 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )…
选择网课代考 https://www.lunwenhui.com/daikao.html 机构时必须注意细节方面,机构方面是否靠谱需要留学生多方面对比。
Real spell casters are hard to find but I am happy to thank Lord Krish for helping me win the lottery successfully after trying so many spell casters and I found my happiness in Lord Krish. I was given the lottery numbers by him which made me the third highest lottery winner in history and this is all thanks to you sir. Winning the lottery is something everyone would like to feel especially with a trustworthy spell caster. I, Yanira Alvarez, won the Powerball lottery in Los Angeles and I really thank Lord Krish because after I contacted him, he told me to only provide the spiritual items for him to do it for me and I didn’t hesitate to give him what he required so I could win it. I have tried so many spell casters who seemed real but only Lord Krish numbers gave me the winnings. I won the Powerball Jackpot of $1.08 billion and I am here today to share my experience to those willing to win the lottery as well. Take this opportunity to contact Lord Krish Spiritual with his email: lordkrishshrine@gmail.com and also share your experience with others.
BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast
you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about
this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month
ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and
I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about
$50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money
into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught
,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it
also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect
you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : (
atmmachinehackers1@gmail.com < Tell your
loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how
my life changed for good…Love you all .
Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency with Hack Recovery Wizard
Hack Recovery Web Wizard was recommended to me by a friend and I decided to give them a try. They were able to help me recover my stolen bitcoin from online fraudsters. The team behind the service was very helpful and I am grateful for their assistance. You can reach out to them through WhatsApp: 1 (757) 237-1724, email: hackrecoverywizard@techie.com, or Telegram: +1 (548) 732 -8575. for help with your hacking problems at an affordable price.
Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency with Hack Recovery Wizard
Hack Recovery Web Wizard was recommended to me by a friend and I decided to give them a try. They were able to help me recover my stolen bitcoin from online fraudsters. The team behind the service was very helpful and I am grateful for their assistance. You can reach out to them through WhatsApp: 1 (757) 237-1724, email: hackrecoverywizard@techie. com, or Telegram: +1 (548) 732 -8575. for help with your hacking problems at an affordable price.
last year, I was tricked into investing by a dishonest online bitcoin trader, who stole every penny I put into his platform. Cryptocurrency has fundamentally changed the way we think about money, but with significant power comes considerable responsibility, especially when it comes to safeguarding and recovering your digital assets. With the continued growth of cryptocurrency use, there is a greater need than ever for trustworthy recovery solutions. It can be terrifying to lose access to your cryptocurrency, and due to security precautions and intricacies, retrieving it can occasionally be difficult. When attempting to recover lost assets, there are several hurdles that should not be ignored, including hardware malfunctions and forgotten passwords. evaluating recovery options in light of variables such as security,expertise, and Reliability is necessary to achieve success. The moniker named Lion Cyber Security Company, which promotes trust in the cryptocurrency recovery space, is here. In order to assist clients in overcoming the challenges they face in regaining access to their bitcoin holdings, Lion Cyber Security Service provides a range of services. The company is run by a group of experienced people who understand the nuances of digital assets. It’s not only about getting your belongings back; it’s about the journey. Along the way, there are grins, high fives, and happy customers who can relax knowing that Lion Cyber is handling their cryptocurrency with skill. Lion Cyber distinguishes itself from competitors with their sophisticated security processes that provide top priority to the confidentiality and privacy of customer data. Additionally, the unique demands of every individual are considered incorporate into their customized treatment programs, guaranteeing a successful and distinctive method of cryptocurrency recovery. Lion Cyber Security Company adheres to regulations when it comes to safeguarding your priceless bitcoin assets. With their superior encryption and data protection procedures, they’ve got you protected. People may feel safe knowing that their bitcoin holdings are in capable hands since Lion Cyber Security Company has a proven track record of success and a dedication to preserving digital assets. For additional information, send an email to lioncyberrr@gmail.com to get in touch with them or through WhatsApp at +1 (929) 660- 4485
Fallen A Victim Of A Crypto Scam? – Recover Your Funds Right Now
Wassup Folks,
I genuinely hope this finds you well.
I wanted to share some wonderful news with you today: with the assistance of Recovery Nerds, I just recovered my lost Crypto worth $174,000 that was stolen by scammers. It all started earlier last month, when I received an email from a stranger advertising a bogus Bitcoin investment opportunity. I fell for his fake promises and invested with the company. Fortunately, with the assistance of Recovery Nerds, I was able to detect the fraud before it was too late. The Expert was able to retrieve the funds promptly and efficiently, and I am truly grateful for His knowledge and assistance. If you ever find yourself in a scenario like this, I highly suggest mailus @ recoverynerds . com. WEBSITE: recoverynerds . com The Expert’s assistance was crucial.
WhatsApp; +1 (5,1,4,3,1,2,2,8,0,3,
Best regards,
You really need to be careful of the risk involved in the world of cryptocurrency and investments. I was naive enough to believe I could make huge returns from my cryptocurrency investments without doing proper research about it. I lost $543,000 worth of USDT and BTC in a failed cryptocurrency investment scheme. Luckily for me, I was able to reach out to a reputable cryptocurrency recovery company that goes by the name Synack Tech and was able to successfully recover all the money I had invested into the scheme. {{{s y n a c k h a c k @ t e c h | – | c e n t e r | d o t | c o m }}} I’m forever grateful to the services of Synack Tech and this message is a recommendation to everyone who intends to recover lost digital assets of any kind. Not only are they fast but also reliable and they update you on the progress accordingly.
My name is ashley walters !!! i am very grateful sharing this great testimonies with you all, The best thing that has ever happened in my life, is how I won the Powerball lottery. I do believe that someday i will win the Powerball lottery. Finally my dreams came through when i contacted Dr. OSE and tell him i needed the lottery winning special numbers cause i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never knew that winning was so easy with the help of Dr. OSE, until the day i meant the spell caster testimony online, which a lot of people has talked about that he is very powerful and has great powers in casting lottery spell, so i decided to give it a try. I emailed Dr. OSE and he did a spell and gave me the winning lottery special numbers 62, and co-incidentally I have be playing this same number for the past 23years without any winning, But believe me when I play the special number 62 this time and the draws were out i was the mega winner because the special 62 matched all five white-ball numbers as well as the Powerball, in the April 4 drawing to win the $70 million jackpot prize…… Dr. OSE, truly you are the best, with Dr. OSE you can will millions of money through lottery. i am a living testimony and so very happy i meant him, and i will forever be grateful to him…… you can Email him for your own winning special lottery numbers now oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com OR WHATSAPP him +2348136482342
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